10 month old — Mix — Spayed Female
available to foster or adopt
Information from Sienna’s foster mom:
Sienna, 10 months old (as of January 2025), approximately 45 lbs.
Vaccines up to date and microchipped at Rita Ranch Pet Hospital
Sienna loves playing with stuffies that magically explode. She also loves squeaky balls, Benebones and nylabones. She is getting daily/weekly walks and also runs around the yard with the kids that live in the home. She knows sit and stay and will continue working on her manners and not being a mouthy teenager. Sienna is house trained and crate trained. She gets excited and chases cats, but does not hurt them. She is doing well with the 8 and 11 year old humans in the home, but does get mouthy.
In regards to other dogs, she does well with the male in the home, but Sienna is muzzled and likes to lick him through the muzzle.
Set Sienna Up For Success: Continue to work on excited puppy manners in the home and with the trainer.
As a Passion 4 Paws dog, Sienna will come with training and support.